All’indomani dell’unica data italiana al Fabrique di Milano, tenutasi lo scorso 14 Marzo, Noel Gallagher aveva in programma una comparsata televisiva per promuovere il suo ultimo lavoro Chasing Yesterday all’interno di “Che tempo che fa”, la trasmissione di RAI 3 condotta da Fabio Fazio. Ecco… come dire… Noel non ha commentato granché positivamente l’organizzazione del tutto, raccontando in un post sulla sua pagina Facebook ufficiale come sono andate le cose, dal playback all’intervista strazio di Fazio (meravigliosa l’involontaria rima), passando per il locale in cui è stato portato a cena e le donne che lo frequentavano, che non sono parsi affatto di suo gradimento. Se voleste rivivere i fantastici momenti insieme di Noel e Fabio, a questo link è possibile farlo. Sperando non gli tocchino ancora tali “disavventure”, l’ex Oasis sarà nuovamente in Italia a Luglio per tre date. Di seguito il messaggio:
That Italian TV show was a fucking struggle. The miming I don’t mind, it’s the interview. You have an actual person in front of you asking questions in Italian and a phantom in your ear translating them into English. It can be, and usually is, very awkward. Here is but one example of what I mean…and bear in mind I’d been kissing the sky with Nancy until 5am the previous.
“Noel…you say that you don’t take yourself seriously and that you live only for the moment. I also hear you say you refuse to overthink anything that you do in as much as you let the people decide what is and what is not…but what we would like to know is how do you come to such enlightenment at such an age?”
“I’m sorry but you have to give me an answer..”
“…….Erm…I don’t know?”
(Huge round of applause).I started to do a little sweat.
After about 6 months we left the TV studio and were taken out to some swanky restaurant, which was indeed a night club, which was indeed the preferred hang out for yer Milanese footballer. All the women (and there was a LOT of women) looked like Mick Jagger when Mick Jagger looked like an Italian woman (1965-1969!). Nice enough gaff…Nancy would have loved it.