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Home DALLA RETE St. Vincent: nuovo album in primavera

St. Vincent: nuovo album in primavera

Photo Credit: Loma Vista Recordings / Renata Raksha
Photo Credit: Loma Vista Recordings / Renata Raksha

In una lunga intervista concessa al mensile Guitar World (qui ne trovate una parte), Annie Clark/St. Vincent dopo aver ripercorso la sua carriera ha fatto cenno a quello che sarà il suo nuovo album, successore dell’acclamato omonimo “St. Vincent” del 2014 (qui la nostra recensione). Il disco, ancora senza titolo, uscirà la prossima primavera e segnerà a detta della Clark un vero e proprio cambiamento nel suo sound.

I’ve been able to step back and reflect and not just be in the tour, record, tour, record cycle that I’ve been in for about 10 years. I think it’ll be the deepest, boldest work I’ve ever done. I feel the playing field is really open for creative people to do whatever you want, and that risk will be rewarded—especially now that we have such high stakes from a political and geo-political standpoint. The personal is political and therefore the political can’t help but influence the art. And only music that has something pretty real to say is gonna cut the mustard.

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